Vision therapy was better this week. Sarah did some things while wearing all sorts of different glasses. It was one of the cutest things ever. She also still asked to go home several times. On Wednesday I met with her occupational therapist to discuss some of the vision therapy things in case she can incorporate some of them, which she actually already does. During the time we were talking, Sarah asked repeatedly to be done and go home. I inquired if this was normal behavior, because I am not normally present for their time together. The OT said no. Ah ha! Sarah is found out! I now want to experiment with not being present during the vision therapy. This may mean I have to hide or just wait in the car.
Sarah was supposed to start taking the bus on Friday and I was equal parts excited and nervous. Then she was sick Friday morning and I decided she needed to stay home from school. I cancelled my client. Carl went in later than usual so he could take Amy to school. Sarah napped. And woke up completely good as new! That is wonderful! But?!?! Yet, I think I actually needed a day of rest myself and I certainly was never resting enough when left to my own devices so maybe this was Sarah’s gift to me. I stayed home too and napped and read on the couch. I think this is finally helping my cough go away. I have had a cough for over two weeks. It sounds awful. I have felt completely well the whole time. So I just kept going because I felt well. But the cough was never leaving. The doctor said it is bronchitis caused by a virus and may take 6-8 weeks for the cough to go away. I am hoping that with an extra dose of rest I can make that number much shorter. After a few days of increased rest I am definitely on the mend in a way I wasn’t before.
We got our Christmas tree yesterday. It took less than 10 minutes from the time we got out of the car until the tree was loaded and ready to go. Then Amy said it was time to do a Christmas tree performance. She told me I could be the audience.
Anyway, that’s about it. This felt like a short week. Now to start getting anxious about tomorrow morning’s bus pick-up for Sarah. I don’t want to put off worrying. If I do then I might not get it all in! She has to be ready 25 minutes earlier than we left the house when I drove her. The pickup is only 15 minutes earlier but she is supposed to be ready to walk out the door 10 minutes prior to the given pick-up time. Fingers crossed that we can manage it. Fingers crossed that it goes well. Her teacher said she will call me when Sarah arrives. Monday and Tuesday afternoons I still have to pick Sarah up myself because she has appointments both days, but starting Wednesday she will also take the bus home and I will get an extra hour in the afternoon.
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