I know this update is coming later than usual. This morning a friend of mine who does myofascial restructuring was working with me, Sarah, and Amy. I had worked with him once already to help my right leg and as of a few days ago I was noticeably moving more smoothly and comfortably than I… Read more »
Sarah Rise Weekly Updates
April 9: Hip Hitch, Scoliosis, and Florida
My right leg continues to not be as easily functional as it was even a few months ago. I don’t know if it was overdoing exercises and PT and or my fall. But I’m definitely not walking as well, painlessly, or as far as I was before. This has been disheartening and worrying. I just… Read more »
April 2: Tons of Cleaning and a Swimming Breakthrough
When Sarah swims she rarely gets the full arm movement going and I often think it is helpful for a teacher to physically move her arms for her so she can get the feeling. So far her current teacher hasn’t done that and I haven’t yet suggested it. This past Monday the swim teacher was… Read more »
March 26: Greetings, Love, and Epic Adventures
Sometimes I think life is like a game of Headbands where we are all trying to figure out who we are based on input from others. Occasionally we have to know that how someone else is responding to us is really showing us the card on their head rather than our own, but sometimes I… Read more »
March 19: A Hipversary and a Double Birthday
We have a new oven but…. the hole in the kitchen island was not a standard size so… our oven is plugged in and works but it is not where it needs to reside. We need a counter cutter to trim the tiniest bit of granite. But at least the oven works. My hipversary was… Read more »
March 12: A Birthday Bash and Contemplations on Flashing Lights
The panda? The panda on the wall? It is very sad today! For weeks Sarah has been asking how the panda picture on her wall would feel when she and Amy were away for Amy’s birthday bash sleepover at Anna’s. We have been predicting that the panda would feel sad, forlorn, bereft, and dismayed. And… Read more »
March 5: Sneakiness, Dr. Seuss, and an Unplanned Trip
Firstly, why did it take me years to notice the pants-wearing discrepancy in Daniel Tiger? I understand that some cartoon animals wear shirts (Donald Duck) and some wear pants (Mickey Mouse), but why do Daniel Tiger and his dad only wear tops but the mom tiger wears a shirt and pants?! Sarah’s school celebrated Dr…. Read more »
February 26: Pandas and a Plan for Next Year
Last week the muscles around my left hip were not happy after an intense workout with my trainer. It took a couple days plus some work from one of my students before I felt normal. Then out of the blue I was hurting again. Then I got better. Then I saw my trainer again and… Read more »
February 19: Valentine’s Day and Not Needing to Stop Big Feelings
Monday was so warm that Sarah decided to wear shorts to her swim lesson, but since it was also not as warm as it could be, she wore boots. As Anna said, “at last, it’s shorts and boots weather!” Swim lessons are going well for Sarah, and I can now keep up with Amy in… Read more »
February 12: True and Easy Calm Amidst Screaming Sessions
Last night Sarah was reading the most high-level complex book I have ever seen her really read, following along with her finger and quietly saying the words out loud a bit as she read… it was the draft of my book about her! In my book I have a section about a time when some… Read more »
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