We are enjoying a wonderful visit with Grammy and Granddad. On our drive to meet them at our mountain house we had a short phone call on speaker phone. As Carl and I said our goodbyes, from the back seat two voices chimed in with, “Meow!” and, “Musical note!” It was adorable. The only trouble… Read more »
Sarah Rise Weekly Updates
September 26: A Week With Too Much
This past week felt extremely packed from Monday through Thursday. I felt like I was barely keeping up with what needed to happen, barely breathing, barely staying afloat. What is always an odd juxtaposition with that feeling is that when I’m actually teaching or giving a massage then I’m not stressed or feeling time pressure…. Read more »
September 19: Results and Improvements
Sarah’s EEG has been read but her neurologist wants to consult with other epileptologists before giving his suggestions to me. He thinks Sarah’s moments of waking with a start may be seizure related. The results that came from whomever read her EEG also indicate that they are possibly seizure related. Even though that confirms my… Read more »
September 12: Several Flavors of Stress
We are still waiting to hear from the neurologist about Sarah’s EEG. It has been almost two weeks and that is the time frame I was told to expect. Her sleep this past week has been better overall with fewer times of waking with a start. Most nights she still comes into my room around… Read more »
September 5: An EEG, Camping, and Muffins
I forgot that today was Sunday! Since it is a long weekend, today really feels like Saturday. Thus the later-than-usual update. This week has not involved a great amount of sleep. Sunday night after dinner Sarah wasn’t to have any food. After 3am she wasn’t to have any water. I slept lightly, on alert for sounds of her getting… Read more »
August 29: School, Stress, and Sisters
Sarah is now officially a 7th grader. Due to the heat she had dress-down days instead of uniform days. She started school on Thursday, riding the bus to and from as she did in the past. You must be thinking that I received bus information in the mail as promised. Ah, but no. Still nothing,… Read more »
August 22: School, Biking, and Rigid Flexibility (Flexible Rigidity?)
Amy is a 5th grader! She has absolutely loved every day of school and is eagerly looking forward to a full week of school. For her first day it rained all day, but she happily donned her new Frozen rainboots and carried her pink cat umbrella. Sarah had her first hour of 7th-grade Anna Mouse… Read more »
August 15: An Awesome Week Followed by Big Feelings
This past week was super wonderful for the kids. They attended Camp Anna’s Place every day. Each night I helped them pack their lunch for the following day. I was still chopping the fruits and veggies and putting them in small containers, but Amy made her own sandwiches and sometimes made my lunch too! I… Read more »
August 8: Chair Perfection, Beach Fun, and a Frisbee Surprise
We received from Anna the most perfectly Amy-ish and Sarah-ish chairs ever. The chairs are custom-made and if you want to commission a chair as I did, just let me know and I’ll put you in touch with Anna. You need to be able to do a local pick-up. Amy’s chair is all about cats,… Read more »
August 1: Rough Moments and Good Moments in a Very Busy Week
Two updates diverged in the woods…Some weeks I easily see everything with a glow. Other weeks, not so much. This past week has been a mix so I feel like I could write two very different updates. Here they are one right after the other. The rough parts first. As I drove home from work… Read more »
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