Sarah Rise Weekly Updates

December 15: Best Review Ever

As we decorated our tree last Sunday, Amy commented on how we have many ornaments with pictures of young Sarah over the years, but no ornaments with pictures of her. This is because the Sarah ornaments were from her schools, and Amy has gone to different schools. To remedy this inequality, Amy drew two pictures… Read more »

December 8: Peas with Honey

It has been a while since I wrote anything about Amy’s new Whisper brace. It hasn’t been quite the smooth sailing experience we had hoped for. You may remember that the doctor wrote us the prescription while also advising that he didn’t think it would be effective. We have now gone to Philadelphia three times… Read more »

November 3: Halloween

The weather this autumn has been unseasonably warm, which made it possible to carve pumpkins outside. Usually for Halloween itself people worry about how many layers they need to put under or over their costume, but this year the concern was about being too warm! It was 80 degrees. I was so sure that we… Read more »