It is not to be sneezed at that both children easily opted for showers of their own volition last Sunday when we returned from our week away. Sarah used to resist showers at all costs, but somehow over the past year she shifted into (mostly) easily taking showers at home. She still won’t shower elsewhere,… Read more »
Sarah Rise Weekly Updates
July 18: Philly, Relatives, and Memories
We are in the final hours of driving home after a week in the Philadelphia area seeing Grammy and Granddad, two uncles, Mom-Mom and Pop-Pop, many cousins, and Grandma and Grandpa! Grandma and Grandpa just happened to be traveling through Philly at the same exact time we were having an outdoor dinner with Carl’s cousin… Read more »
July 11: Fireworks, Rain, and Brilliant Lines for the Bathroom
For the first time in Amy’s life, we took her to see fireworks. We hadn’t realized she hadn’t ever really seen them up close. She was in awe of the beauty but needed to cover her ears because she hated how loud they were. Towards the end she was in tears about the noise so… Read more »
July 4: Some Really Good Things Coupled with Incomprehensible Loss
This week has been packed with good things and with incomprehensible loss. First, the good things. Magic camp started. Luckily Amy’s new broom arrived in time. Magic camp is with Anna at our house. On day one, Sarah and Amy flew on their brooms to get there, and Anna arrived wearing a magic hat and… Read more »
June 27: Cats, Yawning Play, and Do-Overs
Olivia is our cat and today is her birthday. We selected the day to be close to Carl’s birthday to help us remember the date. I think Amy is the only one to think of it, as Olivia is her nearest and dearest Cat Best Friend Furever (CBFF). Last night Amy made a card for… Read more »
June 20: Weathering Storms of All Sorts
Last Sunday Amy and I returned from feeding a friend’s cats a mere two minutes before a massive rain storm hit. We were blissfully unaware as we walked home, knowing there was some thunder rumbling and some early drops falling, but not knowing torrential rain and hail was imminent. As soon as it did pour,… Read more »
June 13: Vaccines, Mud, and Judgement Crap
Last Sunday Sarah helped Carl make dinner. Yesterday she made a water smoothie by filling our Vitamix with water and blending it to make sure there were no lumps. I do hate lumpy water, don’t you? Sarah received her second Pfizer shot on Wednesday and was at low ebb with a fever on Thursday. Thursday… Read more »
June 6: A Miraculous Discovery, and Baby Uh-Oh is a Rising 7th Grader
I’m writing later in the day than usual because the kids had a sleepover at Anna’s last night, so Carl and I went out to dinner at a restaurant!! We were outside, but this was the first time in over a year and a half. This morning we went out to breakfast at a place… Read more »
May 30: Impeccable Timing and Large Scoops of Chocolate
Sarah likes to create delicious ice cream sundaes with loads of chocolate chips on top. Sometimes she goes a bit overboard. Carl and I suggested that she use a small scoop that would help with getting a reasonable portion. Sarah proceeded to select a scoop… the 1 cup measuring cup! That is bigger than her… Read more »
May 23: Cooperative Games and Earnest Songs
We are back to in-person Sarah-Rise sessions with Sc!! These session include Amy, as they have for years. It is beyond wonderful to have Sc in person even though the FaceTime sessions were impressively effective. Last Tuesday they spent the whole time outside with sidewalk chalk, cauldrons, and brooms. Last Sunday Sarah participated in a… Read more »
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