Imagine if you will… I calmly tell Sarah that I have a question and if the answer is no that is totally ok and I will respect her wishes. “Could I wash your musical note shirt and pajama pants that you have been wearing for a long time? You could wear the matching shirt.” Instead… Read more »
Sarah Rise Weekly Updates
May 9: Warming What Is Cold and Reconnecting to How I Want to Be
One morning Sarah came to breakfast, sipped her hot chocolate, and said, “I’m going to heat it up a little bit. It’s not very warm at all.” I’m not sure why that was so endearing, but it was. Something about all of her little word choices that made up such a complete expression. Another day,… Read more »
May 2: In-Person Visits and Academic Achievements!
We are in the midst of a wonderful in-person, unmasked visit with Grammy and Granddad! This is the first time we have seen them in person since Christmas 2019!!! I am already sad about the visit being over even though it isn’t quite over yet. Yesterday we completed a jigsaw puzzle with many cats, with… Read more »
April 25: Coming in Close to Big Emotions
I have been experimenting with really coming in close to Sarah when she gets upset. I don’t always have the mental or emotional space within myself to do this, but when I do it seems helpful. I verbally acknowledge what Sarah is feeling and say that those feelings are ok. Sometimes she gives a quiet… Read more »
April 18: A Seizure and A Notable Moment of Calm
Last Sunday night, Sarah had the first seizure she has had since being on anti-seizure medication. The first seizure in roughly two years. It lasted less than a minute and she was mostly herself afterwards except for having a headache. Her neurologist increased the dose of medication so I’m hopeful things are back under control…. Read more »
April 11: Thinking Around “No”
I have started reading a book called The Yes Brain by Daniel Siegel and Tina Payne Bryson. It has inspired me to think differently about Sarah and how to help her/us. It has become increasingly obvious that she really has very little capacity to hear “no” without going into full-stress fight mode. We need to figure out… Read more »
April 4: Snow, Easter, and Being in Your Own Category
The April Fool’s joke for us was a notable amount of snow. We made a huge snow mouse that is taller than the kids, and Sarah enjoyed rubbing noses with it. Carl also got to go cross-country skiing. Yesterday Amy orchestrated a talent show and asked me to be the judge. I hate judging among… Read more »
March 28: Grief, Magic, and Math
The week has felt overshadowed by grief and loss. I know there has been an abundance of good, but I have also needed the time to just feel sad and sluggish. A college classmate died from brain cancer. A few months ago she was as well as you or I, and now she is gone…. Read more »
March 21: Birthdays and The Great Sorts of 2021
When we began the Great Stuffed Animal Sort of 2021, Sarah wasn’t interested because she wanted to play basketball. Carl had been talking about maybe getting a basketball hoop and she was stuck on that idea. So, Carl propped our hula hoop over Sarah’s radiator and the girls tossed their stuffed animals through the hoop… Read more »
March 14: Shots, Leaks, and Wonderful Surprises
Spring has sprung! New sidewalk chalk has been purchased and used. I got my first Moderna shot! Amazingly, about a minute after I sent last week’s update, a friend who read it sent me a message offering to help me get an appointment. Five minutes later she had an appointment for me for yesterday. I… Read more »
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