We are at our rental house and have had wonderful days playing at the beach that is one block away or in the heated pool that goes with the house. We even went in the pool on the days with a high of 54 degrees! Our first day at the new house was a bit… Read more »
Sarah Rise Weekly Updates
December 20: Snow, Cluster Headaches, and more Mama Mouse School House
We had another good week of Mama Mouse School House. When Sarah and I did our snuggle time sometimes we talked about muscles and bones. She mostly knows biceps, triceps, deltoid, and scapula. When she brought up the chain on my necklace and how she wants to sleep on a chain that holds a sign… Read more »
December 13: Mama Mouse School House
Sarah’s newest snuggle-time favorite is for us to trade saying, “you are my dear, my dear.” It is very sweet. I have tried building more rhymes, such as “water is clear dear,” but that hasn’t taken off like the things that rhyme with “four.” She also says that the snuggling is giving her more forks… Read more »
December 6: An Abundance of Wonderful Moments
This week is full of wonderful moments. Our Christmas tree is up and decorated as of Monday. Sarah, true to form, wore shorts when we went to get it. The decorating goes faster each year and the ornaments are more evenly spread at all height levels. We learned that Amy is ready to join the… Read more »
November 29: Thanksgiving, Being Together, and Mice
I hope you had a happy Thanksgiving. We were grateful for the beautiful weather for our outdoor, safely distanced, masked-except-when-eating meal with Carl’s family. It is odd to write “Carl’s family” when everyone is now my family too, but that tells you the connection of origin. Amy wanted an appropriate outfit so she cut leaves… Read more »
November 22: Piano Recital and Better Mornings
Last Sunday Sarah had her first virtual piano recital. She has had recitals before, but they were all in person. She wore her musical note shirt, shorts, and scarf for the occasion and she did a beautiful job playing her pieces. Carl helped with the zoom while Amy and I stayed upstairs so we wouldn’t… Read more »
November 15: Magic Academy, Waiting, and Progress
Each weekday morning Amy got ready for Magic Academy and some days Sarah joined her for the bus ride on our porch swing or for the walk (fly?) around the block to get to school. Each weekday morning Sarah also spent some time whining, screaming, and crying for Anna to arrive. Sometimes I handled it… Read more »
November 8: The Election and Sarah-Rise wonderfulness
I spent much of my time the past week hitting “refresh” on my election update page. I am beyond relieved that Biden and Harris won. Tears ran down my cheeks as I listened to Harris and realized what an incredible moment in time this is. I feel like I can breathe again and that the… Read more »
November 1: Halloween and Fork Insights
For Halloween Sarah was a Musical Note House (the house from Goodnight Moon) with a door that opened and closed. Anna was also a Musical Note House. Sarah refused to put on her costume until Anna arrived and then she promptly donned her cardboard box and cardboard roof hat. Amy was Dory the Witch and… Read more »
October 25: Carving Pumpkins and Waiting
In case there was any confusion based on my previous update, Sarah is still at her usual school virtually, but that translates into having a lot of amazing time with Anna. Anna helps with Sarah’s live meetings when Sarah needs assistance and continues to knock my socks off with the play-based lessons they design for… Read more »
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