When Sarah was a tiny baby there were times that I felt trapped because any time I would try to do something I wanted to do she would start crying. My mom reminded me that I was actually allowed to still have a life. It was ok to go for a walk with Sarah and… Read more »
Sarah Rise Weekly Updates
October 11: Surgery and School Decisions
Thank you all for the mid-week support for Sarah’s surgery. It helped me feels supported and less anxious. Carl said Sarah handled everything beautifully. He was with her when she went under the anesthesia, but he said she would have been fine without him. The tooth fairy showed up (for the last visit ever for… Read more »
October 4: Allergic reactions, mouse math, and Philly
Did you know that you can have a delayed histamine reaction to bad dairy? So that super itchy hives and blotchy skin and congestion begin possibly 6 hours after having the old cottage cheese that your mother thought smelled and looked ok but apparently was not ok? Now we know. Sarah was the victim of… Read more »
September 27: Roller Skates and Musical Note Everything
It’s all about the lens through which I view things. This week (again) felt difficult many a time. I became quite aware of the refrain in my head of “I should have… If only I…. How did I not think of….How stupid of me….” It’s really rather exhausting. At least if I’m noticing those voices… Read more »
September 20: Remote schooling sagas and paper roller-skate wheels
It was quite a miniature saga to get Sarah’s login information and Chrome book for school. Back and forth, back and forth, back and forth to her school. Asking, asking, asking, asking, asking for the full login information and so many times only being given half of what I needed. Finally getting all of the… Read more »
September 13: A difficult week, a super amazing helper, and laughing a lot
This week has felt heavy and hard and as if anything I’ve ever figured out regarding Sarah is no longer accessible within me. Sarah seems to be having a harder time too with much more screaming and upset than even her usual amounts. Maybe this is because her remote schooling started. It was extremely minimal… Read more »
September 6: Screaming appointments, important shorts, and Disaster-pieces
Remember how Sarah doesn’t want me to wash her favorite clothing? Apparently, sitter A asked about washing them when they had their sleepover last weekend and Sarah said yes! And they washed them! It seems that every time I cross something off the list in terms of an appointment for Sarah, the need for two… Read more »
August 30: Ears, Parental Anxiety, and Zoom Bombing with Style
A couple of weeks ago Sarah had her annual audiology check-up and her left ear was blocked for one of the readings. We did a follow-up with her pediatrician this week and her remaining ear tube wasn’t in place but was still in her ear so we thought maybe that would fix the situation when… Read more »
August 23: School for Amy and not forcing the laundry
A week ago I asked Sarah if I could wash her gymkhana t-shirt because she wears it daily and it was getting a little stinky. I explained I could wash it after she was in pajamas for the evening. She said no. I assured her that was ok and that I wouldn’t wash it unless… Read more »
August 16: Sarah as a snuggly mouse in my house
For starters, why mouse/mice and not house/hice? Why not mouses in houses? Sarah’s latest expansion for our snuggle play time is to say, “I am a mouse in your house, mama!” If I ask if she is a mouse in my house then her face lights up as if it simultaneously delights and calms some… Read more »
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