It was apparent this week that with Amy’s pretend scenarios she sometimes builds herself such a cage of requirements that she is miserable when things don’t go as they must, but she doesn’t see that she is the one building the cage. I wonder how often I do the same thing. Even this morning I… Read more »
Sarah Rise Weekly Updates
August 2: Horse Camp and Bandits On The Run
As you may remember, this past week Sarah and Amy attended horse camp at our house. In preparation for horse camp, Amy (know at camp as Rose) cleared most of the walls and surfaces of her room so it would seem like a new and empty room. When she arrived at camp she unpacked and… Read more »
July 26: Updated school plan and hopscotch
Unsurprisingly, school re-opening plans have changed once again. You may have heard Amy’s cry of anguish when she learned that her distance learning phase will last through the end of October, at the very least. She was also furious that uniforms will not be required even if/when she can attend in person. I learned this… Read more »
July 19: Sad mice, field trips, ice lasers, and schools
What are you talking about?! That is one of Sarah’s latest additions to her “huh?” play where she is pretending to be the squirrel in Mo Willems’ I Broke My Trunk. This is woven in with being (or asking me to be) a sad cat or saying “but, Gerald… No, do not speak… it is too… Read more »
July 12: Week 2 of Camp A amazingness
Sarah loves saying that she is a mouse in a house. The girls had a second week of Camp A and it was as amazing as the first week. They went to a creek on one of the super hot days (all of the days were super hot), went to A’s garden to water plants… Read more »
July 5: Sphenoid bone adjustment… huh?
Hello people in houses! Whenever we go anywhere, Sarah likes to say, “Hello other-peoples’-houses-with-windows!” She also dreams of having a house that is painted in orange and yellow stripes. The evolution of our snuggle time is now…huh? When Mr. Greg read Mo Willems’ I Broke My Trunk he commented that the squirrel who observes Piggie with her… Read more »
June 28: Camp A and Absolute Amazingness
Last week was simply amazing as the girls attended Camp A in our house and yard. Our sitter A. is super duper amazingly awesome. They ran a camp for the week with different themes and activities. Some of the projects from the week included coloring Camp A bandanas, collecting flowers and other natural items to… Read more »
June 21: Neck trouble and homage to Pigs Make Me Sneeze
It is hard for me to remember anything from the week, anything beyond my tweaking my neck in some way while I slept last Sunday night. I’ve been in varying degrees of stiff, painful lack-of-easy-movement since then. I’ve tried Alexander Technique, massage, heat, advil, stretching, not stretching, moving, not moving, praying, pretending there was nothing… Read more »
June 14: Nice Mice Rolling Dice in a Trice as their only Vice
Hello there! Sarah’s love of “mice mice mice” snuggles and play has evolved. I enjoy coming up with sentences in which most of the words rhyme with mice. Now Sarah likes to pull the bedsheet over her head to pretend to be mice in a trice rolling dice and eating rice. I repeatedly explain that… Read more »
June 7: Working to change the prevalence of white supremacy and loving each other imperfectly more than cheese
If you have not already read White Fragility by Robin DiAngelo, I highly recommend it. It is one of the clearest explanations of how the system of racism and white supremacy (not the extreme version, but just the way things are) is ingrained in our lives so firmly that it can go unnoticed by those who benefit… Read more »
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