Sarah Rise Weekly Updates

April 26: Hedgehogs

I must confess that Carl and I are now completely addicted to doing crossword puzzles. It started with the ones in the newspaper, but then I got a book, and we can’t seem to put it down for long! We work on them together and thus get much farther than we would individually. It is… Read more »

April 19

This week was about a year long. I have often felt entirely out of any energy or ideas to deal with Sarah’s fighting me/whining/yelling and Amy’s rigidity regarding cheer practice or gymnastics (all her ideas but with no room for Sarah to be herself). When Sarah starts her usual ways of protesting or pushing, I… Read more »

April 12

Today I see two paths. One is where I embrace the day with energy. The other is where I wilt inwardly, dreading the weeks to come and wanting to hide. Usually I am already on a path and my job is to allow myself to be there, moving on when ready or required. It is odd… Read more »

April 5

How are you being? This is such a strange time. I never actually expected to have one of these historic moments in my lifetime, and yet here we are. Most of the time I think I am doing well, feeling safe, not feeling anxious, and handling things well. Until I’m not. I went grocery shopping… Read more »

March 29

Amy’s school has now extended its closure through May 1. Sarah’s school says it is openingApril 16, but I expect an extension of that as well. Even if her school does open, we will probably keep her home until Amy’s school is also open. Week 2 of being at home went more smoothly overall. The… Read more »