Sarah and I have had some really rough moments with each other. Really rough. As in, some of the worst ever. There were two dinners in a row where I served things she normally eats with no difficulty and yet this week she shoved them away with loud protest. I didn’t handle it calmly. Her… Read more »
Sarah Rise Weekly Updates
October 27
Sarah has now changed her energy/mode at least two more times since that first tiny enormous miraculous moment. I think it helps me stay calmer to know there is a possibility of a quick shift. My staying calmer probably helps the quick shift. I can now reference the times when she has shifted successfully. We… Read more »
October 20
We had a tiny enormous miracle this week, the sort where I remind myself that if it could happen once then it might happen a second time. The background… Sarah and I had some rough moments together on Wednesday. It started when she went to get dressed that morning, the first morning that pants (rather… Read more »
October 13
I am safely home after a wonderful time in England. My class was amazing and I learned so much. Then I spent a few days with my wonderful friend E. We went on a bus tour for a day to see Stonehenge and the Roman Baths at Bath (pronounced Baahth). The next day we walked… Read more »
October 6
I’m in England for more of my Alexander Technique continuing education. It is as amazing as ever and I have had some profound insights into my patterns of tension. The most humbling and helpful to recognize is my full-body engagement regarding planning/managing/scheduling/being on time, etc. I’m very good at all of that, but I would… Read more »
September 29
Remember when I mentioned that Sarah wasn’t feeling well?… She was hit hard last Sunday and barely got out of bed. I took her to the doctor on Monday when she said her ear hurt. She had strep throat and an ear infection. So on Tuesday I took Amy to get checked, even though she… Read more »
September 22
While some things like school mornings and bedtimes have mostly become easy, there are still moments where Sarah and I struggle with each other. While I know in theory that what kids do is push buttons and challenge parents, it mystifies me when Sarah so often chooses to make a moment difficult when she could… Read more »
September 15
Carl and I had an amazing time with the rest of our trip in Italy. We walked all over Florence. Our Airbnb was an extraordinary 4th floor room with a view out of the windows that were in each of the four walls. From our bed we could see the Duomo. In the mornings we… Read more »
September 8
Sarah’s teacher told me that Sarah enjoyed reading a story she wrote to her Resource Room class. The story was two sentences about camping. Sarah also continued with her mornings going well in terms of getting ready for school. Amy loves her walk/run to school and dismisses me ever earlier in our walk. Sarah has… Read more »
September 1
Camping adventures and misadventures… On the turnpike driving to the campground, we heard a loud sound and saw some things from our roof box landing on the road that was rapidly disappearing from view behind us. Luckily we were able to pull over safely, but we were concerned about our lost pillows and sleeping bags… Read more »
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