Last Sunday Sarah attended her school’s Homecoming Dance with a group of school friends. I love that she has this group of friends, and I can also see she is still sometimes a bit separate and disconnected from them. They welcome her and look out for her, but she isn’t quite a part of conversations… Read more »
Sarah Rise Weekly Updates
October 13: Whisper and Worry
Amy is now the owner of a Whisper brace, and it is a harder adjustment than we anticipated. Somehow we thought it would only be better than her old one, not thinking about how it would be pushing in new places because she has grown and changed since she got her old brace. Just like… Read more »
October 6: Braces, Docks, and Ships Not Quite Passing in the Night
Last Sunday, Amy and I drove to Philadelphia in time to have dinner with Mom-Mom and Pop-Pop and to celebrate Mom-Mom’s birthday. Then we drove to our hotel so that the next morning we would have a short drive to the orthotist who would measure Amy for her Whisper Brace. We learned about this new… Read more »
September 29: Feeling Weird, Feeling Calm, and a Moment of Hilarity
A few weeks ago I started taking Topiramate to hopefully function as a cluster buster for my headaches. Around that time I also started feeling slightly weird in a variety of small ways, but each way could have some alternate explanation, especially once I got covid, at which point I assumed that my feeling weird… Read more »
September 22: New Dance Steps
Remarkably, in the past, whenever one member of our family got covid, somehow the others did not get it. This time around, Sarah, Carl, and I all got it. Knock on wood, somehow Amy managed to avoid it – perhaps because she spends so little time around us during the school week. Last weekend I… Read more »
September 15: Bullying, Blessings, and Books
The veritable wringer. That is what I felt like I went through this week. And yet, with a bit more time to think about things, I also considered that maybe it was a week filled with blessings. Either way, it was still certainly an intensely full week. Despite my parenthetical care to whisper about my… Read more »
September 8: Skateboarding and Acting Class
Last Sunday as part of the finale to the Big Family Celebration, we all participated in a skateboarding lesson. I was so impressed with Sarah for suiting up in her helmet and pads, not doubting of herself or her abilities, with a desire to learn something new. Amy also tried the lesson, though she later… Read more »
September 1: A Big Party and A Big Change
My cluster headache story arc is always, always, always the same, and yet every time I think things will be different. This thought and hope are true, because I do always try new things and they always do work some of the time. Yet, despite the nuances, the basic shape of my experience repeats every… Read more »
August 25: ARCs, a Dad Weekend, and Maybe the Answer
Last Sunday when we got home from a week away, Sarah went inside while Carl and I sat in the car summoning the energy to unload and get ready for the week. Sarah emerged carrying a box and saying it was heavy. Carl met her and took the box. I was busy on my phone…. Read more »
August 18: Maybe Polar Bears Leave the Pineapple
Polar bears don’t get headaches. Or, if they do, please don’t tell me. I have still been getting headaches, as if I hadn’t done my rescue remedies at all. Maybe somehow they only work if I suffer for several weeks first? Not only have I still been getting cluster headaches, but my hope and faith… Read more »
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