Sarah Rise Weekly Updates

January 27

There were a couple of moments this week with Sarah not moving when I wanted her to move. It was as if she was a stubborn mule stuck in some mud. The most frustrating of these moments was when I was in a hurry. Kids can smell hurry the way animals smell fear. So it… Read more »

January 20

I’ve been thinking a lot about the line between discerning how I am truly feeling vs keeping myself stuck in a story of things being hard, thus perpetuating things feeling hard. Maybe it isn’t really a line. Maybe it is helpful to ascertain how I am feeling so that I can make different choices about… Read more »

January 13

Sarah had her annual audiology evaluation on Friday. The good news is that her hearing is about the same as it was a year ago. She has moderate hearing loss in her left ear and minimal loss in her right ear. This means it is still optional to get a hearing aid. That has been… Read more »

January 6

Overall our whole trip to MN and WI was really really really wonderful. That said, there were two tiny but very intense moments of difficulty with Sarah. Both were at moments when it was time to leave one place and go to another. One was to go to the memorial service for her great grandfather…. Read more »

December 30

At 11:45pm pm on Christmas Eve, Sarah started asking if it was time to get up and open presents. This continued every hour or so until 5:15am on Christmas when we all got up to begin the day. We had a wonderful day filled with Amy’s new favorite game: Cat Crimes. It involves logic problems that can be… Read more »

December 23

When Sarah came home from school on Tuesday, she immediately asked me for striped fabric or fabric on which she could draw stripes. She desperately wanted to make a pair of striped pajamas for Sc. I asked Sarah if it would be ok to instead ask Sc to bring a pair of her own pajamas…. Read more »

December 16

A little over a week ago, Carl’s grandfather died. He had a full and wonderful 99 years. We waited until that weekend to tell the girls because we weren’t sure how they would react. Amy seemed a bit sad, mainly from understanding how Carl was feeling and because she could relate to how she loves… Read more »

December 9

The week has felt frustrating regarding Sarah getting ready for school in the morning or going to get Amy in the afternoon. Sarah was more resistant about it than she has been in a while. I started to feel like Scrooge or the Grinch, just hating Christmas because that is what she is asking about… Read more »

December 2

Sarah loves bus shelters and some of the ads in them. She especially loves the Molyneaux carpet ad with a kid wearing a green shirt on a green carpet. Amy’s favorite ad has a cat playing a keyboard. A few months ago, Sarah’s favorite bus shelter was taken away! It was at a corner near… Read more »

November 25

Last weekend Sarah and Amy had a group piano class. This is a small, informal recital with the other piano students in attendance. Sarah had no interest in the games to get to know the other students. She wanted to play the piano! When it was her turn she announced each piece before she played… Read more »