Yesterday we went as a family to get flu shots. I had debated doing this for a while because I’m always concerned about Sarah’s system not handling it well. She has always been fine, but I think of her body as having more stresses upon it. There are people who come down very definitively on… Read more »
Sarah Rise Weekly Updates
November 11
I love how much Sarah loves learning new, sophisticated words. The first three days of this school week she got ready for the day way more easily than usual. There was almost no yelling. I wondered where my child had gone. Then Thursday morning dawned as early as they all do and she was back to her… Read more »
November 4
Sarah seems increasingly attached to Amy as a playmate and companion. Earlier in the week she was so intent on getting extra time with Amy to play hotel or sleepover that Sarah got ready for school the fastest she ever has. While she often plays with (or fights with) Amy, and while she often asks… Read more »
October 28
Yesterday was a hard day for Pittsburgh, with a man killing several people in a synagogue. Normally I haven’t spoken much to the girls when such events happen but they were with me when I heard the news so they heard my gasp. Amy seemed to understand somewhat, although not in a way that meant… Read more »
October 21
We bought a Sarah-Rise house. It is a vacation house about an hour away from our home and it is beautiful. We absolutely fell in love with the giant open living space. The kitchen, living, and dining areas are really just one big room and then the bedrooms are off to either side. The house… Read more »
October 14
I returned from England on Wednesday evening. The week of Alexander Technique study was incredibly wonderful. Navigating through London at rush hour on the Underground with my luggage was less than wonderful but I did feel good about accomplishing my end goals successfully. I will make different choices the next time around as to transportation,… Read more »
October 7
I am having an amazing time in England studying with a wonderfully amazing Alexander Technique teacher. I am learning so much! He is taking something that looks and feels like magic and teaching us the refined components so we can do it too. I know that is what all of my AT training has been,… Read more »
September 30
This week Sarah has been testing boundaries. I didn’t originally see it that way. I saw it as supremely frustrating and I didn’t know how to make things better. Sarah has been purposefully doing the opposite of what we say or purposefully ignoring us. This isn’t new, but it seemed like someone turned up the… Read more »
September 23
Why is she crying? Because she is 7, and she is scared of dental work. Why is she crying? Because she is 11, and she is learning to tie her shoes in a brand new way, and it feels too hard. Why is she crying? Because she is 41, and she is frustrated by her… Read more »
September 16
We started Sarah’s Oxcarbazepine a week ago in the evening. That is her anti-seizure medication. I’m trying to learn the name of it so I can direct a sitter to give it to her if need be. If I only remember its other name (Trileptal) that isn’t written anywhere on the box or bottle, then… Read more »
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