Sarah Rise Weekly Updates

July 8

I reevaluated Sarah according to the Son-Rise developmental model and the ATEC autism online test. Unsurprisingly, she had moved quite a bit. Both evaluations are subjective given that I am the one interpreting the questions. Still, it is pretty amazing that two years ago she was just edging into stage 4 for the SR developmental… Read more »

July 1

Summer camp is complete, so now I really feel like we are on summer vacation. Both girls had a wonderful time. I enjoyed still having some kid-free hours, but I won’t miss sitting in traffic. I did over two hours of driving per day to get Sarah to and from her camp, some of which… Read more »

June 24

Thank you so much for your midweek support regarding Sarah’s seizure. Whenever I reach out midweek like that and the support pours in, coinciding with Sarah fully recovering, and I feel better, then I have moments of feeling like I shouldn’t have asked for support. I feel like I should have kept it to myself… Read more »

June 17

You may notice that I am going barefoot lately. That is because Sarah keeps knocking my socks off! She just seems to have a bit more fullness and clarity to her communication and a wider range of creativity. When Carl was getting the girls ready for bed recently: Amy: Sarah, are you going to wear… Read more »

June 10

For a little while lately Sarah has been asking us to look at her drawings. Recently when I suggested that she could practice piano, she asked Grandma to be her audience. I love how Sarah increasingly wants to share things with us. Sometimes when things are how you want them to be it is easy… Read more »

June 3

When I last wrote I was feeling uncertain about how the holiday weekend would continue. It was fine. It was even good. I let the girls play in the basement a lot. That is where we store toys that aren’t upstairs so it is kind of like going to a toy store. Except in a… Read more »

May 27

The past couple of days have felt difficult, which is interesting as I look at the earlier part of the week which felt full of exciting things. The exciting things… There was one morning when Sarah took off her pajamas without being told to. She proceeded to get ready for school easily with no difficulty… Read more »

May 20

Sarah tied her shoe by herself!! This is all thanks to her OT. They have been working on it for a long time. At the end of her session on Wednesday, Sarah put on her shoe and tied it so I could watch. I love how many things move from laughably impossible to totally achievable…. Read more »

May 13

I recently took a Reiki 1 class and it was transformative. It helped me see that I want to prioritize taking care of my inner landscape the same way I’ve been aiming to stay on top of cleaning my house. When I feel my irritation tighten my chest, I want to pause to center myself… Read more »

May 6

This was a rough week for Sarah’s face. On Monday (after she and Amy were fighting over who got the elephant watering can), Sarah tripped and bumped her tooth on the sidewalk, resulting in a chipped front grown-up tooth. Tomorrow she goes to the dentist to see if it is fixable. I really hope it… Read more »