Sarah Rise Weekly Updates

July 28: Lost and Found

Last Sunday we had an experience where “all’s well that ends well” but it was scary for a few moments. After a wonderful day playing in the water at Sandcastle (a local water amusement park), we lost Sarah. One minute Carl and I were standing and talking while Sarah was in our view… we had… Read more »

July 21: Trapped and Untrapped

Throughout Sarah’s life there have been many times when my mom has reminded me that I get to have some agency and power over my life. This may seem obvious and it may seem that I was already exercising much of my agency and control when being a parent of Sarah at any age, but…… Read more »

July 14: Something-Nothing

After spending a week not doing much except maybe an errand or two with Sarah and a nap with Sarah – or snuggling while talking about bears in boxes – I often feel like I didn’t do anything. And yet, if I wasn’t there “not doing anything” then someone else would need to be, so… Read more »

June 30: Camp and Hindsight

Last Sunday in the late afternoon, Amy and I dropped Sarah off for her overnight camp and then went to Amy’ camp for her drop-off. Sarah’s cabin was inside a larger building, air-conditioned, spacious, and had an abundance of storage. At Amy’s camp we had trouble finding her cabin at first because we didn’t know… Read more »

June 23: Playing the Perfect Card

We escaped the brutal heat of Monday by heading to the Jersey shore for a fun day with Carl’s cousin’s family. Amy played hard as she always does at the ocean, getting completely covered in sand and romping for hours in the waves. Sarah mainly watched the waves and chased birds. We spent the rest… Read more »

June 9: Zooms and the Zoo

This was Sarah’s first full week of summer and she helped me with short errands in the time we had each day before I took a zoom class for three hours. Then she watched her favorite shows, played outside with bubbles, and took naps. The zoom class was about health and healing and was taught… Read more »