Sarah Rise Weekly Updates

October 9

I interrupt your regularly scheduled update for a PSA… Please for the love of all that is love and acceptance and respect for others, please register to vote if you have not already done so. Please vote when it is time. Please vote for Hillary Clinton. The latest on dt is horrid. It is the… Read more »

October 1

Last weekend we attended a birthday party and Sarah easily made friends with new grown-ups and with babies. I love her self-assurance as she sits next to people she has never met. When I picked Sarah up from school one day her teacher said, “She’s a riot.” I love that her teacher appreciates Sarah’s humor…. Read more »

September 24

This week I spoke with the SLP who works with Sarah at school. She asked me if there were certain words or sounds that Sarah had trouble with. I put the question to the SR team and G wrote back with the following response. It is so wonderful I just want to eat it. “I… Read more »

September 17

How are these weeks only a week long? Since when has a week always been so densely packed with experiences? When Amy and I were playing a game of Bingo, Sarah came in and as she sat down she said, “where’s my board?” and then proceeded to play a game with us. I love that… Read more »

September 11

Once again, this past week has contained a lifetime of fullness. On Monday Carl cleared a space next to our house that was full of a falling-down shed roof and various small trees. Sarah helped move the small trees to the Bagster, dragging each tree several feet all by herself. She truly was an amazing… Read more »

September 5

I have moved through so many different emotions and thoughts this week it is hard to contain them in my head. I don’t feel particularly Son-Risey or enlightened, but in the spirit of sharing my weeks in all honesty, here are some of my experiences. This week doing the pick-up at Sarah’s school seemed so… Read more »

August 27

Remember my list of things I would do when the girls were in school? hahahahahahahahahahaha. By the time I got to Friday, in a week where I only saw one client (though I also taught for one morning), I was so exhausted that I didn’t have any oomph to do much of anything except be… Read more »

August 21

Today is first-day-of-school eve! The girls and I put their uniforms in their drawers and closet yesterday. Sarah promptly wore her gym uniform, which she will have the good fortune to wear all day every Wednesday, and Amy put on one of her jumpers and t-shirts. I made them wear smocks for eating, even though… Read more »

August 14

I recently read an article about different kinds of grief, acknowledging that there can be grief over things changing. I am feeling that a bit. I have the scared excitement about the girls being in full time school. With that comes some grief over changes. We will no longer have Sonia at our house daily… Read more »

August 7

One day this week I went to make Sarah’s protein shake and was going to use hemp milk (something new we are trying in our attempt to get more variety for her). As I was pouring she said “tumpt.” I thought she said “trump” and was puzzled (and aghast). I thought maybe she was misremembering… Read more »