Sarah Rise Weekly Updates

July 30

Sometimes people ask me the ages of my children. This is a very common thing for people to ask parents. Sometimes it is when I am with my kids. This week after one such moment I was wondering to myself what I would ever say if someone asked, “what is wrong with her?” regarding Sarah,… Read more »

July 24

I am back in the swing of things. We went uniform shopping on Tuesday. I had thought it was optional to have Sonia come along and would just make things a bit easier. Technically that is true. Experientially…oh my goodness! I am sooooo glad she was there. From the moment I read through the lists… Read more »

July 17

I totally understand that when one goes on vacation from normal jobs that it might be harder upon reentry. Somehow I am always surprised by the level of difficulty I experience when returning to my home job. My work job is easy to return to. After the family reunion I promptly left to visit my… Read more »

July 10

In keeping with the universe conspiring in my favor…the girls and I had a truly wonderful and easy time while Carl was away, with less help than I sometimes arrange for myself. I actually felt like I shifted into a different mentality that was just way more at ease than usual. It probably helped that… Read more »

July 2

We went blueberry picking! This is one of my favorite field trips. It was hot and beautiful and we still have yummy berries. Sarah lost another tooth. It had been loose for a long time and then it was very loose and then it was very very loose and then we woke up Wednesday morning… Read more »

June 26

Sarah has been using some new words and I’m not sure where she has learned them but I love it. I love how often she says things that I find truly surprising and funny. On Monday with Sc, Sarah said something was terrifying. After dinner on Tuesday, she said, “Mom, I polished off my turkey… Read more »

June 19

Today we celebrate “Mother’s Day for Dad,” as Sarah described it. I feel extremely blessed to have 3 dads for myself (birth, step, and in-law) plus the best father for my children I can possibly imagine. Among my favorite things in this world: hearing Carl play with legos with the girls (at one time involving… Read more »

June 12

Last Sunday after I wrote my update we had amazing team meeting. We talked about seeing ourselves plus Sarah as one unit when we are in the room instead of two separate entities. We discussed how to help foster connections with other children. It was totally mind opening (thanks to G) to think about just… Read more »

June 5

Sarah visited her new school for an hour this week and it went well. She also went to daycare a couple of times. The second day she was at daycare she started crying and asking for me at the same time within the day that she used to ask for me and cry during kindergarten…. Read more »

May 29

Sarah finished her last week in kindergarten (extra thanks to Sonia for being Sarah’s 1:1 helper for the last couple of weeks to make it a better experience for all). Sarah’s class performed a play several times throughout the week. Amy and I saw it on Tuesday. Tuesday was not Sarah’s most focused performance time… Read more »