Sarah Rise Weekly Updates

March 6

This felt like a hard week and I wanted to wave my flag of surrender many a time. Sunday night Sarah got sick with a tummy bug. I spent the night on her floor so I could be ready at a moment’s notice to hold a bowl for her in case she had more puke… Read more »

February 28

I had thought that we were making progress with Sarah’s digestion and potty situation but it seems that we are not yet. I know that if the problem was too much gluten then it can take a few months to get it all out of her system. I had just hoped to have more clarity… Read more »

February 21

Sarah read a level 2 beginning reader book, that she had never seen before, almost all by herself!!! The book was Miss Bindergarten and the Very Wet Day. Overall, she seems more comfortable with reading books than she sometimes has been. I am getting better at letting the girls help with some tasks around the… Read more »

February 14

Whenever something is harder than usual with the girls or amiss in some way I usually wonder what dietary thing I have to change. As I learned with Sarah’s hands (now resolved!), it isn’t always food. Last weekend was rough, Monday was rough, Tuesday was rough but then led to wonderful things. I think Sarah… Read more »

February 7

Last week when I wrote I wanted to keep everything focused on the positive side because all of what I wrote was so true and I didn’t want to take away from it at all. The details that didn’t make it in had to do with our ongoing potty journey that is most of the… Read more »

January 31

Nine years ago today Sarah made her debut into this world two weeks early and with a bit of unexpected (sometimes stressful) adventure along the way, setting the tone for the next nine years. What a feisty, determined, passionate little bear she is. What a blessing to have her in our lives exactly as she… Read more »

January 24

Sarah has been totally rocking her coat zipper. She does it all by herself almost all the time now. One thing that may have helped is that with my horrendous cough lingering and being horrendous at terrible times (in the waiting room at the pediatrician’s office while waiting to find out that Sarah had pink… Read more »

January 17

I have a nasty cough that has been mightily interfering with sleep. I don’t understand why it gets worse at night. I understand it getting worse when I am horizontal, but why also as the hours get later? Sarah is sick too, though it is mild so far. Carl seems to have gotten over his… Read more »

January 10

We are taking a break from eggs. Sigh. I sincerely hope that the dramatically increased frequency of Sarah’s middle of the night parties was just due to Christmas excitement, travel excitement, and getting back in a normal routine kerfluffle. In case it was food related, I thought one plausible culprit was eggs so we are… Read more »

January 3

On New Year’s Eve we did an early count-down celebration with the girls. At the suggestion of a friend who was visiting, we asked them if they had a favorite moment or thing from the year that they remembered. Amy said it was dressing up as a ballerina for Halloween. Sarah thought for a while… Read more »