The day after I sent my last update I did receive an email from my crush school explaining a little bit more. Apparently their actions were in response to how much they thought I was clear that I didn’t want Sarah to have a helper. While it is true I hoped and thought she might… Read more »
Sarah Rise Weekly Updates
December 13
In the past week, basically on parallel hospice timelines, I have had two people I care about die. One was unexpected and someone my age. Another was a family member who lived a wonderful, long life. I’ve been thinking a lot about life and death and how we move through life and emotions. I didn’t… Read more »
December 7
I’m getting over a stomach bug and I think I have also been putting off writing this update because it feels large and weighty. But here we go… Sarah had an OT evaluation at the Children’s Institute and she definitely qualifies for OT help. We just have to wait for the forms to be filed… Read more »
November 29
We had a wonderful and relaxing Thanksgiving. I am so grateful for all of the blessings in my life and that includes all of you dear readers. A week ago, Amy was eating muenster cheese. Sarah tried to say the word and had a tiny bit of difficulty. Amy said “muenster. try it, Sarah.” Amy… Read more »
November 22
Sarah’s hands are much much much better. I have been using Rodan + Fields Soothe #3 on them. This is not a cheap solution, but it is the only lotion (so far) where Sarah doesn’t say “it stings” when we put it on and the only one where she doesn’t seem to get new blisters… Read more »
November 15
Thinking about William has helped me focus more on choosing love. In practice this has meant that in many small moments when normally I would get mad or tight, I have been softening. I have had some grumpy moments, but they have been smaller. What I really celebrate are the small moments in which I… Read more »
November 8
When I read the news of William’s death I was at home helping the girls get ready for the day. Thank goodness I was. I started crying hard as soon as I saw the subject line. The girls were so sweet. They just sat with me and listened and gave me hugs and kisses. Throughout… Read more »
November 1
We had the best Halloween yet! By best I suppose I mean most typical-feeling. The weather was good and we were ready at the very start of trick-or-treating. Instead of all of us going, Carl took the girls out and I stayed home to hand out treats. Carl was able to stay back on the… Read more »
October 25
The blessing of this week is that Sarah’s regular eczema on her fingers did not clear fully enough for me to try a new food for her. This is a blessing because mid-week she got hives on her hands and inner elbows and we have no idea why. It could be the soap I started… Read more »
October 18
It’s that time of year again when I start visiting schools and thinking about what will make sense for next year. Sarah’s current school situation is so dreamy and perfect but the school doesn’t go beyond kindergarten. Visiting schools means that I often see that there is a disparity in what I dream Sarah is… Read more »
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