Sarah Rise Weekly Updates

May 17

What went right? I’ve been thinking about this question and about how often in my life I notice the little things that don’t go according to my plan or hopes, noticing in essence what went wrong. But I’ve been shifting to noticing a bit more consciously what goes right. We had lovely visits from my… Read more »

May 11

I’ve been considering the suggestion that we be the change we want to see in the world. I am understanding it in a slightly new way, realizing that if I want Sarah to be more peaceful then I need to be more peaceful. Perhaps this is obvious but it also seems rather profound, and I… Read more »

May 3

There are many words of wisdom out in the world about seizing the moment and not delaying your goals or dreams. Often when I read those words I think they must be meaning that people should dive into hard and ambitious things. I have decided for now to interpret them as meaning I can seize… Read more »

April 26

This week marks our first exploration of sticker charts. I had resisted them for a long time, feeling like they weren’t the way I wanted to parent or weren’t Son-Risey. But… neither is yelling the way I want to parent or Son-Risey. Anyway, as an experiment, we are working with sticker charts. I feel like… Read more »

April 19

I have my moments. If I were to ever get a tattoo, perhaps that is what it would say. I have moments of inspired, patient, loving brilliance. I have moments of losing my #*%! more than ever and basically having a tantrum in front of the children. Often, after I write about hard times or… Read more »

April 11

I am feeling tired and struggly. Last weekend, after I sent out my update, I felt like I should have issued a retraction because everything seemed to go downhill and I clearly have nothing figured out ever and am a very grumpy mom. Amy resists things with great vigor. I resist her resistance with great… Read more »

April 5

Happy Easter. While I only really celebrate Easter in the chocolate and egg-hunt sort of way, I do appreciate the idea of a new beginning and the idea that maybe all of us could step into a newness of being right now. Maybe I don’t need to understand why I was so blah for most… Read more »

March 29

I’ve been thinking a lot about quieting the noise. Not the noise of my children, although when they are both screaming and crying simultaneously I do consider wearing ear protection. I mean my own inner noise that follows almost any action or decision. I second guess, doubt, and should all over the place and that… Read more »

March 22

We are currently enjoying a visit from Mom-Mom and Pop-Pop. Sarah has been connecting with them at almost every opportunity. She has joined games of memory matching or tea parties that Amy and Mom-Mom have been having. Sarah continues to be a little dare devil. Earlier in the week I heard Amy yelling at Sarah… Read more »

March 15

Yesterday we had Amy’s birthday party (the actual day is in the middle of the week) and it was wonderful. I made a Donald Duck cake as per Amy’s request. I found a recipe for white chocolate frosting that Sarah could eat and that I could dye with veggie based dyes I found at Whole… Read more »