Sarah Rise Weekly Updates

March 10

I am writing from the Billings, MT airport after having a wonderful, restorative vacation visiting one of my dearest friends, whom I have known since I was 4. We are approaching 33 years of friendship! I have been friends with her younger sister for the same amount of time. I am so blessed to have… Read more »

March 2

In an attempt to help the morning routine be speedier, I made lists for the girls akin to Toad’s list in a Frog and Toad story. I’m not sure it helped with speed, but Sarah did enjoy crossing off her list. On Tuesday, Sarah was the calendar helper at preschool and she rocked it! Tuesday… Read more »

February 23

Our field trip this week was to the Museum of Natural History. Overall it went quite well because there were enough things that the kids were allowed to touch mixed in with the plethora of items that were off-limits. Sonia and I managed to assemble a dino-shaped jigsaw before the kids lost interest in the… Read more »

February 16

Highlights from the week… I noticed that Sarah sometimes says “um…” before answering a question. I love it! Sarah responds more to Amy’s questions and requests. Sometimes Amy even tells her, “Hara, you didn’t answer my question. You can say yes or no.” One afternoon they were both sitting on our coffee table and Amy… Read more »

February 9

This was a good week overall. What does that really mean? I think it means that I ended it feeling peaceful about my relationship with my children. The beginning of the week was rockier because there I was all revved up to spend lots of time in the Sarah-Rise room and that sentiment was immediately… Read more »

February 2

I am now the proud mama of a 7 year old! How is that possible?! When I was in first grade, I remember sitting on a bench and looking at the sixth graders with awe. I couldn’t comprehend how I would ever be that big. I have that same feeling with each level of growing… Read more »

January 26

I thank all of you who responded to my last update. Your suggestions, thoughts, and questions were so helpful. Sometimes questions might seem quite obvious and one would assume I had asked them of myself, but that is not always the case. I haven’t yet thought through my answers specifically, but I love the question… Read more »

January 19

I am getting over a cold and feel like I have been in the same hamster wheel of thoughts, beliefs, and feelings that I have been in before regarding decisions about schooling next year. This time it has felt even more intense internally so maybe it makes sense that I feel sort of beat up…. Read more »

January 12

I’ve been trying to wrap my mind around an idea lately which seems very simple but profound. When a day or moment is done and I notice how much I did or did not do, maybe that is just information. It doesn’t have to be something that I beat myself up about. Maybe if I… Read more »

January 5

Sarah’s fine motor abilities and attentiveness continue to expand. Carl recently found Sarah wearing my pajama shirt, fastening and unfastening the buttons repeatedly all by herself!! Holy moly!!!!! Her drawings of smiley faces and stick people have improved notably. She continues to enjoy practicing writing. We played at least 4 rounds of tic-tac-toe where she… Read more »