Sarah Rise Weekly Updates

December 22

Recently the girls had what I consider their first inside joke. I have no idea how it started, but now it has become a family joke and a useful alternative to cursing….”Oh coffee!” The girls were saying this back and forth and giggling for minutes on end. Yesterday when I got mad about something inanimate,… Read more »

December 15

This week I have had more epiphanies. I felt like I realized the solution to life, the universe, and everything. And then I interacted with my children. So, I haven’t figured it all out. But, I think that even having a new enlightened thought is helpful, even if I only think it for a moment… Read more »

December 8

I can’t believe it has only been a week. The start of this week felt amazing. I went to bed super early and the girls slept well the first 2 or 3 nights. I had an epiphany that the door to the Sarah-Rise room was really the door to the house rather than the specific… Read more »

December 1

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving. We had a lovely visit with Carl and Sonia’s parents and grandfather. Amy got to use her newly learned phrase, “How you doin’?” and Sarah said the family word “kapshida” that means “let’s go” in Korean. One of our goals for the past several months has been… Read more »

November 24

Last weekend Carl took Sarah out to ride her tricycle. At one point she was on a slight sideways slope and lost her balance a tiny bit. When she recovered her balance she said, “Close, Dinosaur, real close” which references one of our favorite books, Dinosaur vs. the Potty. I love her sense of humor… Read more »

November 17

This week involved Sarah opening, reaching, unfastening, and fastening all sorts of things, some of which were new, some of which were old, all of which point to her growing sneakiness and independence. She can now unbuckle the top part of her carseat. She was attempting to open the car door while the car was… Read more »

November 10

The beginning of this week was a rough one for me. Carl was gone all day Sunday and while I did have some help and some breaks, it was still a long day. In general I wasn’t handling it well when the girls would fight over toys nor was I very relaxed about all of… Read more »

November 3

Halloween was a success! In a mostly traditional way. Both girls were excited to wear their costumes all day (and Amy wore hers on Friday too). Thursday morning before preschool I felt very much like a mom as I sat sewing a ramshackle seam in Sarah’s costume so it wouldn’t fall apart. The snaps were… Read more »

October 27

This weekend we had Becky Blake come for our second outreach and it has gone wonderfully. It is lovely to see how much the girls both love Becky and enjoy learning the new things she teaches us. We are adding in new activities and expanding the routines we have been doing. I’m excited to have… Read more »

October 20

I am feeling grateful this week for Sarah teaching me to cook. I mean, really cook. I could do a few things before but it wasn’t really part of my skill set in the way it is now. While I still buy a few things for Carl, Amy, and I to eat on the side,… Read more »