Sarah Rise Weekly Updates

October 13

Some weeks contain so much thought and fluctuation of feelings that I am amazed they are only a week long. Last Sunday Carl and I went to the Pirates game, which they won. The cheering was intense. As I listened to the crowd of some 40 thousand people cheering, sometimes for one man, I thought… Read more »

October 6

Sometimes the veil between feeling totally amazing and feeling like crying seems very thin. I am rather fascinated by this and I think it points out to some degree how much things are a choice. And it also points out how maybe I am still not quite looking at some feelings that lurk under the… Read more »

September 29

We had a lovely visit with my mom (aka Mom-Mom) this past week. When she arrived, the girls were in the family room and it was blocked off because that is how I do Becky’s music movement time. Sarah ran to the gate and looked at Mom-Mom and said “hello. I love you, Sarah.” Amy… Read more »

September 22

My “marathon” of being on my own (with Sonia and Carl out of town simultaneously) is at a close. I was very much not on my own and the whole thing went incredibly smoothly. (Luckily the nights went well.) I have such wonderful people surrounding and helping me. This past week my dad came out… Read more »

September 14

A good problem to have is… Sarah not getting around to brushing her teeth because she is busy talking about how the sink is empty, pronouncing each word perfectly. Sarah delaying brushing her teeth because she is busy pretending that the toothbrush is a melting popsicle. Sarah getting up from breakfast because she must put… Read more »

September 8

I think the biggest thing from this week was my learning how to get out of Sarah’s way and effectively invite her to do more physical movement. For two months I have been doing Becky’s program with Sarah and for the movement-to-music parts it has been mostly me moving around while Sarah sat on the… Read more »

September 2

Sarah started preschool this week. She goes two mornings a week from 9-12 to a neighborhood preschool that is very welcoming and flexible. Sonia goes as her attendant, but she doesn’t need much attending. Except when she does, and then she really does. She has always enjoyed school and this year is no exception. Tuesday… Read more »

August 26

We were away for the weekend visiting family at a beautiful house on a beautiful lake in VA. It was actually the easiest driving trip we have had with the girls in a while and it was lovely to only need to figure out Sarah’s food while someone else did the cooking and cleaning for… Read more »

August 18

This week I do not know exactly how many hours we got, nor will I know precisely from this point forward. I have decided to stop my meticulous tracking. Egad!! At first this seemed like a relief and then I started to freak out. Then I realized that my freaking out was due to thinking… Read more »

August 11

This week we got 18 1/2 hours. This was a low week due to my being sick for 4 days (the last two of which I was just a lump and Sonia and Carl did everything). Sarah had another tummy bug and while it only affected one night I still cancelled her volunteers for the… Read more »