Sarah Rise Weekly Updates

September 2

This week we got 27 hours and 15 minutes. This was in large part due to wonderful help from A., who came every day to work with Sarah and to watch Amy while I worked with Sarah. Today we bid him a fond farewell as he heads off to NYC. He will be missed. September… Read more »

August 25

This week we got 26 hrs, 20 min. We have fantastic news to share….Carl’s sister Sonia will be moving to Pittsburgh in October to help us for the year!!!!!!!!!!!! Hallelujah!! She is fantastic in the playroom and with both girls out of the playroom and with helping our life run more smoothly in general. Highlights… Read more »

August 20

Given that this was a week in which daycare was closed, I am pleased to report that we still managed 19 1/2 hours. And that was without any hours on Saturday because we were driving to Delaware to celebrate Sarah’s great grandfather’s 91st birthday. It was great to see lots of family and it was… Read more »

August 12

This week we got 22 hours and 15 minutes. Everything is set for Sarah not to attend kindergarten in the fall. There is no school requirement in PA until the age of 6 so I don’t need to do any home schooling forms or anything. In Feb/March of next year I will contact the appropriate… Read more »

August 4

This week we decided to defer kindergarten a year (hoping this is possible) and are in the process of either unenrolling Sarah or enrolling her as home schooled. I still need to talk to the appropriate people in the public school system to get all of this settled but I have taken the first steps…. Read more »

July 30

This week we clocked 26 hours and 45 minutes. An all time record!! As I mentioned before, whenever I despair Sarah always does something to show me hope. This has been an amazing week. At her own request Sarah now cooks scrambled eggs daily, sometimes just for herself and Amy and sometimes for 4 people!… Read more »

July 22

This week was the first week where we reached my goal of 20 hours. We actually did 20 hrs and 15 min. As usual there were many good things this week and some rough patches. Wed/Thurs I hit a very rough patch personally where I sort of crashed and burned. I felt hopeless and incapable… Read more »

July 15

17 hours! Part of that was the outreach and part was having my mom and stepfather visit, each of whom did time in the room and also watched Amy while I went in the room. This was a short week of days for SR compared to usual since we went away Fri-Sun. I noticed that… Read more »

July 8

We had our biggest week ever: 19 hours!  This included 2 days of Megan being here for the Outreach (my week tally is from Sun-Sat). I forgot to mention a highlight from 2 weeks ago. Grammy and Granddad sent the girls a Cozy Coupe (little yellow and red car they can drive by moving their… Read more »

July 1

This past week we got 16 hours of official time, 11 of which I did. Both Gregory and Carl had some of their best sessions yet. Gregory incorporated the idea of getting a green light from Sarah, meaning that she is ready for input. He was focusing more on connecting than on language, which resulted… Read more »